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Planning Board Minutes 9/12/13
Planning Board meeting minutes for Thursday, September 12, 2013

The meeting was opened at 7:15

Members present: Stephen Enoch, co-chair, Larry Klein, Alan Salamon, and Roger Tryon.

Members absent: Maggie Leonard, Bridget Krans, Barry Karson.

Public present: Chris Tryon

Chris Tryon from Berkshire Geo-Technologies presented a Form A subdivision plan for the Pasche property from 1 lot to 2 lots. The property has frontage on both Mt Hunger Rd. and Tyringham Rd. and consists of 20.378 acres in total. The Form A plan seeks to divide the property into 2 lots; lot 1 has 10.552 acres and 285’ of frontage on Tyringham Rd., and lot 2 has 9.826 acres with 662.15’ of frontage on Mt Hunger Rd. Lot 1 also has a small amount of frontage on Mt Hunger Rd. that is below zoning minimum road frontage. The plan was approved and signed by all members and a check for $75 was received.

The board attempted to approve the minutes from 8-22-13 but there were not enough members present who were at that meeting to vote on them.

Salamon signed the form emailed from BRPC to authorize the Planning Commission to operate in our behalf until FY 2014.

The board reviewed the application for a special permit from Solosky of 23 Laurel Banks Rd. The applicant seeks to change the orientation of the roof and to raise the roof by 7’8”. The board made the following observations:
  • The increased height does not violate the height maximum of the zoning bylaws.
  • The Planning Board has not made a site visit and the alteration may/may not have an adverse impact on the neighborhood.
The board discussed the NFIP and Enoch read a statement submitted by Leonard regarding work on the NFIP bylaw. The board decided that we are not ready to table the creation of a bylaw. Discussion will continue at the next meeting. There is concern that a person moving to Monterey has no readily accessible information regarding requirements and/or restrictions of the floodplain.

The board would like to discuss ADU’s and finalize the solar bylaw.

Salamon motioned to adjourn and was seconded by Klein; the meeting adjourned at--- ----8:30. Respectfully Submitted, Maggie Leonard from notes from Stephen Enoch.